
When performing a calibration, we compare your temperature gauge to a reference standard that is traceable to international standards. We are authorized by the Dutch Board of Accreditation (RvA) to perform calibrations and issue certificates according to ISO 17025. You can choose whether or not to have the calibration(s) performed under this ISO 17025 standard, depending on the wishes and requirements of your industry.

Why are calibrations important?

In many cases, the calibration of your measuring equipment is necessary in order to meet legal requirements such as ISO and HACCP. The measurement results can be used to determine whether the temperature gauge in question meets the required accuracy and is therefore suitable for the application for which it is being used. Of course, you should have calibrations carried out regularly to guarantee the quality of your own operations and/or products.

Standard calibration

A standard calibration involves taking measurements and comparing the results of those measurements to the readings from our traceable calibration equipment. By default, we test the temperature gauge at 2 temperatures, but you can also choose additional measurement points.

For each temperature gauge you will receive a calibration report in which the measurements are listed along with the deviations found. This standard calibration is not performed according to the ISO 17025 standard (see below), but in many cases it does meet the requirements within certain industries. For our wireless temperature registration systems we are also able to provide a standard calibration report with the humidity sensors.


ISO 17025 accredited calibration

In some cases calibration according to the EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard is required. This is often the case in laboratories, the pharmaceutical industry and medical sector. We are accredited by the Dutch Board of Accreditation (RvA) and may therefore perform these ISO 17025 calibrations for you. We are audited annually by the RvA. All test equipment used for the calibrations are also verified by the RvA.

A calibration according to ISO 17025 involves a minimum of 10 measurements per calibration measurement point. These measurements are processed into a so-called calculation sheet which gives us a final measurement with an associated uncertainty. These final measurements are stated on the calibration certificate you receive from us. When performing a calibration under ISO 17025 we test measure on 2 different temperatures with the possibility for extra measurement points.


For some of our products it is possible to adjust them if it appears that during calibration the measurements deviate too much from the standard specifications. Adjustment means adjusting the measuring instrument so that it meets the standard specifications again. In such a case, and therefore only if adjustment is possible, we will contact you to discuss whether adjustment is desired by you. After adjustment, a recalibration must take place.

Where does calibration take place?

We perform the calibrations in our laboratory in Lisse, the Netherlands. This applies to standard calibrations, but also to ISO 17025 accredited calibrations.

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